Sender ID Guidelines
• Maximum of eleven (11) alphanumeric characters only per SID. Minimum of three (3)
• Spaces are allowed. One space is equivalent to one (1) character.
• Big or small caps are allowed.
• Underscore, period, dash, question mark and exclamation points can be used, but this is highly discouraged as it may not reflect depending on the device of the user. We highly recommend clients to limit their SIDs to ASCII letters, 0-9 digits and spaces.
• SIDs should truly represent your Company Name/Brand/Identity to easily identify the SMS sender.
• Use of common nouns/generic names and words as SIDs will not be allowed.
• SIDs must not be that of any other company or competitor.
• SIDs must not be derogatory.
• Revoking of SID will be at the advice of the direct client in writing.
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- ➤ Where can I use Busybee PowerBlast?
- ➤ I have low sales now and I don`t have money for Busybee BrandTxT. What can I do?
- ➤ Can I send unlimited text message?
- ➤ Can you automate the text messages?
- ➤ Does route support long text messages? Is there a character limit?
- ➤ When usually is the down-time?
- ➤ How many SMS can I send using Busybee BrandTxT?
- ➤ Is it hard to operate? I am not a techie person.
- ➤ Can I integrate Busybee BrandTxT with my application and website?
- ➤ What are the advantages of BrandTxT?