Message Status: Rejected
These messages are not billed and will not be taken off on your current credits. Messages with this status may contain an incorrect mobile number, wrong number format, or missing area code.
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Brandtxt Related Topics
- ➤ Do I need to give my IP to use the API feature?
- ➤ What do you mean by Sender ID or branded SMS?
- ➤ Can I use both OTP and Promotional content on OTP route?
- ➤ Where can they unsubscribe?
- ➤ Can I extend my load/credits?
- ➤ For SID registration, how long will it take?
- ➤ Can we use our own brand or company name?
- ➤ Message Status: Rejected
- ➤ How do I get started?
- ➤ Can I set my own brand and company name as a Sender ID?
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